Not an agent but still an asset, US Senator Joe McCarthy did a great job of being so over-the-top and farcical, people ever since have turned a flaccid eye-glazed gaze upon any accusations of "RUSSIANS!!" McCarthy survived until 1957, while Khrushchev's "We will bury you" was 1956. Just ten years later in 1966, the comedy "The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming" had people laughing about it, though school children still did nuclear bomb training; I wonder if anybody really believed hiding under their desk would somehow save them. Even today, any suggestion of "maybe Russia did it" is met with scorn and accusations of McCarthyism.
Grief and anger, yes, it is devastating what’s been done, still being done to Ukraine, historian Prof Heather Cox Richardson has been writing about this for years, and most recently (without implicating the German and French response to 2014/Crimea):
Not an agent but still an asset, US Senator Joe McCarthy did a great job of being so over-the-top and farcical, people ever since have turned a flaccid eye-glazed gaze upon any accusations of "RUSSIANS!!" McCarthy survived until 1957, while Khrushchev's "We will bury you" was 1956. Just ten years later in 1966, the comedy "The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming" had people laughing about it, though school children still did nuclear bomb training; I wonder if anybody really believed hiding under their desk would somehow save them. Even today, any suggestion of "maybe Russia did it" is met with scorn and accusations of McCarthyism.
Grief and anger, yes, it is devastating what’s been done, still being done to Ukraine, historian Prof Heather Cox Richardson has been writing about this for years, and most recently (without implicating the German and French response to 2014/Crimea):